Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Anne Frank's Last Meal In Hiding...

In the thick of WWII, Germany was in the process of executing Hitler's "Final Solution" for the Jews, Slavs, and non-Aryan peoples of the world. Call it the "Final Solution" sure, but genocide is genocide and all for hate's sake. For the Jews, it was expulsion into ghettos and slums. From there it boiled down to total indifference and exodus to concentration camps. While the war raged on, nobody outside of Germany knew what was going on in the European theatre. It was only after the war that we truly saw the evil that dwells in people hearts. The millions upon millions of innocent souls that were tortured and killed all because of some whack job named Adolph Hitler. The faces behind the barbed wire. Innocent children. Babies. People who have done nothing but live. Gassed. If there was one face that haunts me, it is that of Anne Frank.
Anne Frank was born June 12th, 1929. to German-Jewish parents. Anne was the Frank's 2nd daughter. Anne grew up in Frankfurt for the first 4 years of her life. It was only in 1933, when Hitler came into power and anti-semetic violence grew, that the Franks moved from Germany to Amsterdam. The war came, and the Nazi regime spread out and annexed other countries. The Netherlands fells, and the Frank family was unable to escape. It was June of 1942 that Anne received an autograph book for her thirteenth birthday. She never used the book for autographs, but used it to write a diary. She wrote about herself, her family and friends, her school life, boys she flirted with and the places she liked to visit in her neighborhood. While these early entries demonstrate that in many ways her life was that of a typical schoolgirl, she also refers to changes that had taken place since the German occupation. Some references are seemingly casual and not emphasized. However in some entries Anne provides detail of the oppression that was steadily increasing. She wrote about the Star Of David she and her family members had to wear on their clothes. The persecution and restrictions enacted by the German occupation. It was only in July of 1942, that Otto Frank (Anne's father), decided to move the family into hiding, after her eldest daughter Margo was called to report to a Jewish relocation camp. The Frank family along with the Pels family and a dentist Fritz Pfeffer spent 2 years in a 2 room/1 toilet attic area behind the Opekta offices where Otto Frank used to work.
It was only after a tip off that the they were hiding there in August of 1944, that the GrÃzne Polizei raided the apartment. Anne and her family were removed and taken to Concentration camps. It was in March of 1945, that a Typhus outbreak hit the camp. It killed Anne and her sister Margo. They died only a few weeks before the camp was liberated by Allied forces.

The last meal Anne, her family had while in hiding was:

Potato or some vegetable soup
After the war, the only surviving member of the family was Otto Frank. He went back to the hiding place he and his family hid for 2 long years. Only remnant of note that he found, was Anne's diary. The diary today provides us with a unique look at the mind of a maturing individual and examines what life was like under Nazi occupation.
In an excerpt from the diary, Anne mentioned that there was good in everyone. I'd like to believe that, but after seeing the atrocities that the Nazi's perpetrated on innocent people, I tend to think we sometimes forget how good we can be.


jesse said...

Great conceptual blog, sir. It's good to see something fresh every once in a while.

saurav said...

agree with jesse... great indeed... with the unknown and unusual facts... excellent job pal...

Anji said...

I agree too. I really enjoyed reading this post; thanks